Saturday, May 16, 2009


A and I are headed for a quick, two-day trip to the Big Apple tomorrow for the ICFF show. The International Contemporary Furniture Fair is going on at the Javits Center Saturday-Tuesday, May 16-19. (at the same time as the stationary show!)

This is an interesting and inspiring show for a furniture store such as LaDiff. You'd think it would be a natural fit, being that it's a contemporary furniture fair and we are kinda sorta a contemporary furniture store.

ICFF has become the USA's home furnishings 'design' show. It is one of the only - or perhaps the MAIN event - where designers and designs are celebrated. Sale-ability and the 'retail market' aren't the driving forces like they are in High Point.
Here it's about the next look, the next innovation, the next idea.

Compared to the Salone (fair) in Milan, ICFF is quite tiny, but it still shows off some of the best and brightest and most clever in the world of pure, modern design. (and, really, it is more modern than contemporary... and if you're saying 'what's the difference between those two words?', there may be a need for another blog entry to cover that)

Sunday we'll walk around Javits, while Sunday evening we'll head out into the city for shows, exhibits, and parties that are all show & designer related. Often, designers who get 'noticed' at ICFF will have their ideas picked up by larger 'production' houses who can help them move from the one-of stage to the multiples-of stage (when they do start to think about 'sale-ability').

Another great feature of ICFF is the attention they pay and the importance they give to design schools. This year, 5 schools, including RISD and Pratt, Cranbrook, MICA, and San Diego State, will have student designs featured in an exhibition at the show. This is where we, as retailers, can see how and what the students are learning, where they see the needs are for the future, and we can wrap our heads around those ideas too.

For those of you not in the furniture or design biz or in media, ICFF includes a 'public day' on Tuesday the 19th (the last day). Just like Milan, anyone - for a fee - can visit the show, see the designs, and get inspired.

If you'll be there, let us know! We're going to try to tweet a bit from the show, and you can follow @LaDIFF and send us a message if you're there!

Off to pack that overnight bag... and we'll see you at ICFF!

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