Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holiday fun with the whole LaDiff gang

We have this list of core values at LaDiff. There's not much on it you wouldn't expect to see: integrity tops the list, creativity, kindness, intelligence... that sort of 'good stuff.'

There is also one other very important word that, for us, ranks right under integrity: HUMOR. We LOVE to laugh, to make each other laugh, to tell funny stories and bad jokes, and to be a little bit silly.

With that in mind, it comes as no surprise that our annual holiday party for our employees is one giant laugh fest (with some eating and drinking too). 15 years ago, our parties started as potluck affairs at our home in Church Hill. At one of the first parties, even Santa came to visit, scaring the blessing out of then-VERY-young Terrance and Tyler Fisher, whose dad Terry is our warehouse manager. I think those boys were mighty good for the few days between our party and Christmas!

Over the years, we've visited downtown restaurants, dined in empty but candlelit spaces in our building, and... returned to our house again, this time on Cherokee Road, and better sized to handle the crew we have now!

One of my great joys is buying gifts for EVERY LaDiff employee. I do not go online and point & click to some item 30 times. I make a list, and I consider each person's personalities, likes, and dislikes. Some years (and some people) are 'easier' than others. If it's Bernadette, I just channel ORANGE and it works. She's modeling her new orange handbag today, as a matter of fact! Cameron? I just find something that I like that I think she would try to 'steal' from me by telling me it is unflattering on me and would look better on her (ha!). Philip is funny... he loves (and I mean *loves*) to get a McDonald's gift certificate. I'm not kidding.

Like many businesses, we did a 'secret santa' gift exchange for YEARS. Last year, someone on our team suggested we do a Chinese Gift Exchange (with my apologies for the non-p.c. name, but that is what it's called!). What a SUPER FUN idea that was!! So, we did it again this year!

Instead of numbers, we had everyone put their name in a bag. First called? Jim Ramos, who opened a lovely grey shawl... not quite his color though. Jim immediately took it around to show all of the ladies hoping they might 'steal' it from him.

In the end, Cameron got the shawl (which she wanted), after her Russian Vodka (that none of us could read much less pronounce) was stolen from her! Throughout the evening, the most popular (and most frequently 'stolen') items were liquor and gift cards... so when the combination came up (a gift card to a Virginia ABC store - good concept, Juliette!), it was stolen, and stolen, and stolen that final 3rd time... BY ME! (Gotta have something to put in Mr. Thornton's stocking). Which is a good thing, since Ernest ripped a bottle of tequila out of Andy's hand, even though Andy threatened with the 'hey, I'm your BOSS' line... sorry, Andy, that one doesn't seem to work with this crowd!

There are always one or two gag gifts in the mix. This year's attempt turned out NOT to be a 'gag' for the person who finally got it: our 9-year-old daughter. Jennie Kam tried hard to pull a 'gag' when, in actuality, she selected an item that Lucy had put on her Christmas list! Yes, we now have a cobalt blue Snuggie, complete with deluxe book light, adorning our family room.

Now, with the LaDiff holiday party behind us, and the breakroom filled with delicious leftovers, it feels like Christmas has begun. From all of us at LaDifference to all of you, we wish you a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends, a holiday filled with love, sharing, and hopefully a whole lot of laughter!


  1. Yes indeed, fantanstic festivities! Absorbing the greatest gift of all - laughter!

    And special thanks to Santa Sarah for choosing a gift just for me! How do you do it? B

  2. Yes,it's true. I love, I mean LOVE a McDonald's Gift Certificate. Thanks Andy and Sarah! Philip
