Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Half-way Mark

Yes, summer technically begins on or about June 21st... according to all those equinox calendar sunrising & setting rules... but, for most of us, summer starts with Memorial Day and ends with Labor Day. This year that gives us 15 glorious weeks to wear flip flops and tank tops, eat sweet sticky peaches, grill out nearly every night, hit the pool or the beach, and be just a little bit lazy.

At first, we try to fill those longer days with activities every minute: May is chock full of festivals and cookouts and parties. We get our gardens going. We mow the lawn, a lot. We might even paint the house! Then, after the solstice, we realize that the best way to fill those extra minutes is just to enjoy them. We sit back and enjoy the literal and figurative fruits (and veggies) of our labor.

So, here we are, almost 1/2 way between those two summer bookend holidays, wondering where the first 1/2 went, and figuring out what's left on our 'traditional summertime' list still to do. And, if you're a parent, you're wondering how to fill those minutes, hours, ... days..., left until school starts again.

When you are ready to rev up for back to school or to get into gear for fall, come on by LaDiff for a visit. We've been anything BUT summertime lazy... sprucing up the whole store all season long. Our first floor has a fresh coat of paint in a new color that makes the furniture POP even more. We have new product here or on the way for all three floors, from new solid wood cherry bedrooms from Copeland (storage beds!) and Cherry Pond to new kids' furniture from Berg (lofts with STAIRS)and Tvilum (cool Mixi collection in white & orange!) to ergonomic, back-friendly office seating in the form of the classic Balans chairs from Varier of Norway. ... and that's just the beginning.

Sure, a lot of folks are retrenching and hibernating during this 'challenging' economic period - and they are making it a little too obvious with their outdated selections and tired showrooms. At LaDiff, this year has been a time of opportunity. We are rearranging the furniture, literally, and bringing on some new excitement. Come fall, we'll be the kid on 'back to school' day who has grown 2", has a new haircut, and a whole new wardrobe... while we're still the awesome, original kid inside.

We hope you're enjoying your summer too... lazy days, busy days, hot days, fun days.
At LaDiff, we can't wait to share all of our summer adventures with you the next time you visit!

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