Friday, July 24, 2009

Does your TSBL decal tell a great story?

Last week I told you about our local Retail Merchants Association's new campaign to Think.Shop.Buy.Local. The campaign is getting into full swing! Radio ads are running, Saturday, Nancy Thomas and I were interviewed by 'On Track with Vanessa Womack' on WLEE, and tomorrow's Richmond Times Dispatch will include a full page ad sponsored by LOTS of RMA members who believe in the concept.

This campaign is not just about the retailers.
It is about the consumers... and that's ALL OF US.
The TSBL campaign asks consumers to visit the website, read the pledge, and pick up a decal for your car at one of the retailers listed. The idea is that someone will see YOUR decal, ask about it, then get one for themselves.

Here's the pledge...
I pledge to THINK first of my local economy,
SHOP first at my local businesses,
and BUY first from local companies who give back so much,
in so many ways, to my community.

The request is to consider the consequences of your shopping decision. Period.

So...What local retailer(s) do YOU love?
Why do you love them?
Is it the product? the people? the experience?
Is it something special they did to win you over?
Why do you return to them?
Do you have a great story you can share about them?

We want to know! Enter your stories as comments below.
Your feedback helps your community and helps all retailers - LaDiff too! - continue to improve.

Thank you and we look forward to reading your stories!

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