Monday, September 14, 2009

Think.Shop.Buy.Local - redux

On Friday, September 11th, after taking a moment to pause and reflect on the tragedies of 8 years ago, a Westin hotel ballroom filled with retailers and fans of retail gathered to celebrate.

The agenda for this particular Retail Merchants Association First Friday Forum breakfast was the Think.Shop.Buy.Local campaign - its origins, its mission, and its future direction.

Panelists were Michael Guld of Mainline Broadcasting & the Guld Resource group as moderator, Tom Silvestri, publisher of the Richmond Times Dispatch, and....... me. Michael presented the program, the website, some of the media opportunities. I presented the retail perspective: how to 'get on board and make it happen.' Tom presented the contributions that retailers make to the community and the hopeful impact of the TSBL campaign on the Richmond area.
The follow up in the Richmond Times Dispatch on Saturday was spot on (thanks, Louis Llovio!). While this is a WONDERFUL campaign, it will be critical for local retailers to think globally about the nature of their business. We cannot work in a vacuum; we have to continue to differentiate, grow, and improve to compete with the 'big boys'.

The big surprise follow-up came on Sunday, when Tom Silvestri posted a FULL PAGE editorial in the RTD, celebrating the achievements of local retailers. He flattered, he honored, he told stories, and he showcased the individuality, the success, and the personality of Richmond's retail community. He began his Richmond-Retail-Horn-Tooting by revealing his 'angle':

"I admit I have a bias. My livelihood and that of approximately 625 colleagues at the Richmond Times-Dispatch and another 925 of our independent contractors depend on retailers who advertise and inform the public using our newspapers and Web sites to attract customers.
As they go, we go."

But isn't his bias one that EVERYone in Richmond has?
Don't we ALL rely upon local business to keep the engine going?

It's all a tightly knit interwoven circle.
You put money in my hand. I in turn use that money to buy goods or services from someone else. They in turn do the same.

It's our THINKING about whose hands we'll choose that makes all the difference.

THINK before you shop and buy...
You have the power to build your community, to improve your community, to sustain your community, when you make the decision to keep it LOCAL.

Thanks for the campaign, Retail Merchants Association.
LaDifference is going to do what WE can to continue to spread the word and 'make you proud.'

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