Monday, November 30, 2009

My Christmas Tree is Up! ... how 'bout yours?

So, here it is... written out for anyone to see...

I love Christmas.
Some would say I have an addiction.
I'm not sure if it's that bad, but that could just be denial, right?

Okay, okay, here's how "bad" it is...

For the last 10 years I've kept a spreadsheet (yes, a spreadsheet, in Excel) that shows the gifts we given everyone, where we bought them, and what we spent. Why? Because I gave one person a bowl 3 years in a row... and I was bound and determined not to repeat that little goof.

Also, I cannot walk buy ornaments for sale without stopping.
Really... I mean anywhere.
This can be Sanibel, FL in March, or Kings Dominion in August.

I have finally become disciplined NOT to buy. (at least not ALL the time).

Most retailers I know either love the Christmas season (like me), or they hate it (like my husband).

Think about it... hoards of people mobbing your store with a specific deadline in mind, getting frustrated if you don't have exactly what they came for on the day they want it, even if they did wait until the last minute...

On the other hand, I love the frenzy of the gift wrapping, the 'deer in the headlights' look in the eyes of the (ahem, male) shoppers, the music (LOVE the music).

So, how do we reconcile this?
I handle Christmas (well, all but my own gift and one for his mum).
He handles, well, me. And our daughter, too, who is fast surpassing me in her love for this crazy, wonderful holiday.

I love decorating early.
I love shopping early.

By doing both, it means I have time to ENJOY the holiday.
I can bake, and cook, and visit with friends.
I can watch Christmas specials on TV - the good, the bad, and the sappy.
I can drive around Richmond and see all of the beautiful lights.

And... I can ENJOY our customers who come in to shop for others or for themselves.
I hope you'll come by LaDiff this holiday season to shop, to say hello, to see our beautiful downtown all dressed up (especially this Friday, Dec. 4th for Grand Illumination!).

I'll be the one Decking the Halls...falalalala... LaDifference...

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